Thursday 8 June 2017

Throwing a party in a very small space

...or how to play Sardines!

Hope you get to start the day with amazing people

Who bring amazing pressies!!
Hope for great weather – but if your party is in the middle of winter– that might be wishful thinking

Hope your tailor doesn’t tell you that the dress you took in to be altered is going to look “dumb” (yes, that word was used…among others) if she does what you ask her to do...

Hope you have a spare dress in the wardrobe!

At least it meant I kept with the pink theme!

Hope your family and friends like arts and crafts – because that skill is going to come in handy for decorating

Hope they more than like it...and can actually do it...otherwise your results will not look like the YouTube channel you googled...

But which ones were ours - hard to spot the difference...I know!

Hope that only four people RSVP – because quite frankly that’s all you can fit around your teeny tiny table, or comfortably seat on your two sofas…and when I say sofas….I mean a slightly larger version of an arm chair

Hope you win the lottery at least the week before, so you can walk in, cash in hand, and buy that big, gorgeous house with the separate formal lounge so you can breathe a sigh of relief if more than four turn up

Hope more than four people turn up - otherwise sobbing in corner of room may commence

Hope you purchased enough alcohol for more than four people

We had enough...phew

Hope you remember friend's warning and don't imbibe too much before guests arrive

Hope your friends and family aren’t claustrophobic, are very comfortable in confined spaces and love playing games like “how many people can we fit into the mini” or “how many people can we fit into a telephone box”…you get the gist!

Hope your friends and family don’t mind leaning against the fridge, the stove, the kitchen cupboards, the walls, the….(insert any available space here)

Hope no-one has an injury and can easily perch on arms of chairs, cushions or survive standing for hours on end

Hope everyone likes to mingle – because in this case, they won’t have much choice or say in the matter

Hope your friends will come to the rescue with ideas on how to increase your space and warm the outdoor area so people can spill out of the cramped quarters and finally move arms that had been pinned to their sides for the last couple of hours…

Outdoor Diesel Heater provided heat later in the night

Hope the people you invite can take better pictures than you…

Apparently Not!

Hope you don't attempt a selfie after a couple of cocktails

Hope that if you did attempt selfie after a couple of cocktails, the results were stunning...

Apparently Not

Hope you serve plenty of food and drinks to your guests and hope that they have come to see you and each other, and won’t care that they are inadvertently playing sardines….

Hope you remember to serve said food and drinks before you knock back your sixth cocktail

Hope your family and friends can fend for themselves when it comes to food and drink because you failed to heed the warnings...

Hope you end the day with amazing people

Amazing friend made amazing cake...

And hope that turning 50 will be made all the more bearable by having incredible family and friends in your life

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