Friday, 31 March 2017

My First Capsule Wardrobe Challenge

Five months to go.....

Sylvester by Kate Sylvester Dress - consignment Lasting Labels
Shoes from No 1 Shoes (new)
And my rack of second hand clothing (read on...)
The other day I was reading some hard hitting news posted on an on-line site and came across an article that stopped me dead in my tracks due to the serious nature of its content.  It covered politics, the monarchy and sustainability in this modern world.  “Is there a limit to outfit repeats?” the headline shouted out at me.  The writer went on to ponder the age old question of how often can one person wear the same item of clothing?  It was festooned with pictures of women wearing the same outfit to different occasions with a certain member of the royal family taking centre stage.  Interestingly enough the writer mentioned one UK politician who had worn a particular suit 11 times and had been vilified by the public, unlike a male colleague who had worn the same suit 111 times – with nary a comment from his constituents. 

So I ask that same crucial question of you.  How many times is too often to wear the same piece of clothing?  If we are looking at ROI (yes, that’s right folks – return on investment.  See?  I’m really getting into this budget thingamajig) then one would think the more often you wear an item, the better investment that article of clothing really was.  And the less likely one would be maligned for not subscribing to this throw-away mentality which has developed over the last few decades.

So it got me thinking about my clothing choices and what I myself would deem acceptable office clothing wearing etiquette (if there is such a thing, Ms Emily Post?) …and I came to the following conclusions:

Everyday items
There are some items that I think a woman can wear every day without anyone batting an eyelid – such as a handbag or laptop bag, that special piece of jewellery or that heavy winter coat/jacket.

Every other day items
There are some items that a woman can wear every few days without someone curling they lip in distain – such as shoes, or costume style jewellery.
And the “what were you thinking” items
But shoot me dead with a filthy look if I wear the same dress twice in a week, let alone five days in a row, unlike the humble male suit – which seems to be worn consecutively for weeks on end with not even a twitch of an eyebrow.  Seriously guys, those pants need dry-cleaning more often than you think.
There have been social experiments (many to be found on YouTube) of women wearing the same outfit/dress day in, day out for a week, a month or even a year.  Now I will never be that person, I get bored easily and can barely stand having the same hairstyle two days running.  But as I embark on this journey of not shopping for clothes…FOR SIX MONTHS (yes, I was yelling that) I think about ways I can experiment with my wardrobe to make this whole process a little more interesting and more importantly, fun. 

Over the next few months I’ve decided to try three different things
  • Wearing only second-hand purchased (or hand-me-down items from friends) clothing for a week.  That’s outer-wear only and does not cover accessories
  • The 30 x 30 Capsule Wardrobe – that is 30 items of clothing for 30 days
  • And finally the 333 Capsule Wardrobe – that is 33 items of clothing for three months.  That’s the scary one…the one I will be slowly building up to
So let’s start with my first project – that was clothing purchased second-hand or gifted to me by friends who were either bored with the item through consent wearing, or rejected the item for reasons spanning from “I’ve lost weight and now it’s too big for me, but it should fit you” (ouch…but yes please as you are probably right because I found the weight you lost) or “it was an impulse buy in the first place, what was I thinking, I’ve never really liked it on me but it may suit you” (double ouch…but yeah…I’ll give it a crack). 
I tried really hard to make every piece I wore fit into the above category – but I realized early on when pilfering my wardrobe for all second-hand items that I tend not to buy or procure many trousers or jeans new, let alone second-hand.  It appears that I am addicted to my dresses.  I think part of that addiction is I'm a typical pear shape - and I have never loved shopping for trousers - nothing worse than finding something that fits over your rear but gapes at your waist.

You will also notice that I switch from Sumer dress to more Autumnal ensembles – as this is Christchurch, and we can experience four seasons in one day, let alone an entire week.  I got a bit stuck on Casual Friday – but still managed to wear two pieces of second-hand purchased clothing (three if you count the scarf).


Max Dress - Trademe
Katie and Me Shoes - consignment shop Preloved Clothing

River Island Top - consignment shop Recycle Boutique at The Tannery
OAMC Black Skirt - hand-me-down from a friend
Hispanitas Black Pumps - consignment shop Lasting Labels
Belt - stolen off one of my dresses

Demgirl Black/White Striped Dress - consignment shop  Second Heaven
Grace Hill Black Merino Cardigan - Savemart second hand shop
Hispanitas Black Pumps - as above

Veronika Maine Black Dress - consignment shop Second Heaven
The Flexx Black Shoes - consignment shop Second Heaven
Repertoire Black Coat - consignment shop Recycle Boutique at the Tannery

Country Road Cream Top - Savemart Second Hand shop
Europelts London Brown Leather Jacket - consignment shop Recycle Boutique at the Tannery
Scarf - consignment shop Wear Else
Max Jeans (new)
No 1 Shoes Brown Boots (new)
Watch out for my 30 x 30 wardrobe challenge for April - yikes!


Friday, 24 March 2017

DIYing - money saving or false economy it in my DNA?

Apparently as a Kiwi I have been born with the special DIY gene - but recently I've been doubting the message in the adverts I was raised on.
I grew up watching my mother hang wall paper, paint and generally give anything and everything a go.  She made it look so easy.  I remember the time Mum had almost finished wall-papering the kitchen.  She went out of for the day and my sisters and I thought we would surprise her by completing the task.  If I remember correctly, this involved hanging two small pieces above and down the side of a door.  A couple of rolls of wall-paper and half a tub of paste later, we gave up and bowed in awe to the woman who made the job look so flippin' easy. 
In the early days my DIYing was with my mother's help.  We wall-papered my childhood bedroom together.  She allowed me to help and that's when I discovered wall-papering was fun because it was instant gratification.  The "sanding of the window frame" job my father gave me?  Not so much.  I was never into the prep work. 

Mum and I painted the rooms of the first property I brought prior to me moving in.  It looked great and covered up the smell of stale cigarettes and grease that permeated the place - and again that instant gratification and sense of accomplishment meant I was bitten by the DIY bug.

The place I currently reside at had been previously inhabited by an elderly couple.  The wife was the first to pass away, then the husband a little time later.  Needless to say, that while clean, it was old, sad and tired.  The house was just waiting for the touch of my expert DIYing with great gusto I painted walls and ceilings, cupboards and wardrobes, doors and skirting boards and made the place a little more of my own.  It smelled fresh and it didn't look too bad...if you didn't look up or down...or anywhere!
One hot, long summer holiday, I finally had enough of the carpet in the bathroom and decided to rip it up.  What?  I hear you say.  How could one remove such a wonderful statement piece from one's home?  Quite easily I tell you.  So up it came.  Unfortunately underneath the carpet were the original tiles still glued to the wooden floor - which weren't so easy to lift...but I did.  Then I tried to remove the glue...and failed miserably in that endeavor.  Even with that small obstacle I didn't just stop with the bathroom.  Because next was the toilet lino (under which were more glued down tiles).  And I didn't stop with the toilet - because next was the hall, then the bedrooms, then the kitchen lino (under which were even more glued down tiles) and then the lounge...and then I stopped because there was nothing left to rip up, and I was pretty tired by then and had already taken three car loads of carpet and underlay to the dump!

That was some stubborn glue right there!

Who would cover this gorgeous floor in carpet?  Oh - someone living this far south!
Then I sat in the middle of the floor and tried not to cry, because some of the floor was a beautiful deep stained rimu, and some of the floor was glugged up in a glue that defeated a belt sander that I borrowed from a work colleague.  So a call to the professionals was in order because even I have to admit defeat sometimes.  But the end result was absolutely worth that moment of summer madness.  Then winter came, with freezing temperatures...and I missed my old, shabby carpet.
However this story isn't about my summer madness - this is about the time I decided to paint the outside of my house to save some serious money and not use a professional.  How hard can it be, I asked myself.  It's only summerhill stone - and a few windows, oh...and the guttering and surfeits, and the fascia boards...not too much work at all.  I'll be fine...
It's like the time I decided to paint my hallway - on a rare 30 degree plus day in Christchurch.  The paint was drying while I was applying it to the wall.  Did that stop me?  Oh no.  Let's thin the paint out and give it another crack.  I walk past that wall every day with identifiable brush strokes and roller marks permanently etched into the paint work, and it reminds me as to why I will never give up my job for a career as a Painter/Decorator.   
Fast forward to this Christmas, when I decided to do a bit of housework.  Wiping down the internal window sills, I noticed paint starting to lift on window.  No problem, I thought, I will sand it back then paint it.  Just a quick lick of paint, as I was planning on replacing these windows in the next couple of years with UPVC frames with double glazing.  I had already replaced windows/french doors down one side of the house...then the money ran out.

But nothing is ever that easy.  On closer inspection...damp wood!  I ventured outdoors, with some major trepidation to check the frame - and sure enough...rot, everywhere.  The pictures below don't do any justice to how bad the rot was, I just couldn't be bothered battling the rose in front of the window to get some better shots.

Inside - it had got progressively worse since I first discovered the damage - mostly through me starting to sand the sill then constantly picking at it
If you are wondering what that strip is at the bottom of the window, I already had some retrofitted magnetized double glazing which worked really well

The rose covering the damage was no excuse for me not noticing

Rot everywhere...including in the external brown window sill

Panic set far had the rot gone?  Into the internal framing?  It appeared my plan to hold off with replacing my windows until after I renovate my kitchen had gone out the window (pun intended).  So I made a call to the window company to come and save the day.  Quote in hand, and order placed, I could only wait in dread for the day of reckoning - when the window (and its symmetrical counterpart) were replaced.  Tick tock tick tock...
Renno Day 
Thank goodness...all is right with the world...I've just been given a free pass, as the company who removed then replaced the window frames and glass gave me the good news - window rotten as heck...framing in wall miraculously spared! 
So this is the question I pose to you.  Is DIYing really a great way to cost-cut and save money?  This time around I've  been very lucky.  I am still asking myself...did I actually prep the window frame all those years ago when I painted it?  Did I use a primer?  Was this a false economy because, quite frankly, I did a rubbish job of the painting on the outside of my house?
Has this put me off DIYing?  Heck no.  I may just be a little more selective of the jobs I undertake these days, and save hard to pay a professional for the others.  It also means being patient with the cosmetic issues in my home, and concentrating on those things that keep my house water-proof, dry and safe.  So bye bye new kitchen...for a wee while.  I'll be here, waiting for you...longingly...sigh!

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Saturday, 18 March 2017

The Art of Packing...

Too much baggage?
I frequently travel for work, domestically and overseas, mostly within the Asia and Pacific region...and I have never seemed to master the art of packing just the right amount of clothes.  Why is it that I either over-pack, or leave out vital bits of attire?  Who are these people who can just casually pack enough clothes to last them a month into a carry-on hold-all, and manage to look fabulous every day?  Without even knowing them, I'm pretty sure I dislike them! 

That's never been me.  Even on a school camp I would pack something inappropriate to wear like a hand knitted picture jersey (photographic evidence below) on a geography trip in the middle of summer when everyone else was wearing cool tops and Skin jeans.  I would accidentally pack my school shoes, when everyone else was wearing the latest Converse (yes, they were a thing back in the 1980s). 
And things haven't improved.  Considering I spent over 16 weeks out of town in the last year, one would think I have got this packing thing sorted.  Nah...not me.  I've even managed to take someone else's dry-cleaning with me on one trip - did wonder why the trousers I put on in the hotel room one morning came up to my armpits and still managed to drag on the ground.  Checked the label - oops, not mine.  True story! 

And see that wee hint of pink at the top of my suitcase?  That's a brightly coloured ribbon to distinguish my grey bag from all the other grey bags.  Why? you ask.  Because one Friday night, after returning back home, very tired from a long week of working away, I had to wage war for my bag at the carousel with some man, but I was very determined and amazingly he gave up fairly quickly...wimp!.  To be fair to the "wimp", I was in a pretty mean mood as my flight had been delayed several hours due to weather.  I think I would have been nervous of taking myself on that night.  It wasn't until I got home and unzipped the bag that I realised there might be a teeny, tiny problem.  I was pretty sure I hadn't packed a bloke's pair of jeans and polo shirt.  I only make that mistake once.  Dammit!  Back to the airport.  I blame him for not putting up more of a fight.  Nothing to do with me actually checking bag tags (and being a bit of a cow at the carousel)!

When it came to this international trip, I was determined to get it right because this time around, I decided to be more mindful with my packing and to photograph every item that went into my bag, then list the items on my return that either didn't suit the occasion, weren't worn, or weren't taken and were actually required.  Don't be shocked by the amount of clothes I take...I warned you I wasn't good at this packing thing!  When people question the size of my suitcase I blame it on work stuff I have to carry, and umpteen cans of insect repellent I need to totally eradicate the mosquito population in any country I visit. 

Here goes...don 't judge me!


Gym Clothes
Three (3) sets of each (excluding the shoes).  The reason why I take three sets of gym clothes is that in high humidity environments, I find it really hard to dry the items in one or two days in an hotel room - especially the gym pants.  And you can't always guarantee a clothes-line in the bathroom. 


Shorts and tankinis hide a myriad of issues  
I'm loving the rash top and sarong and how much skin and sins they cover
Plus my handy, dandy pair of reef shoes as my tootsies are very delicate! 
(And my faithful white jandals)


Three easy to wear maxi-dresses which don't crease (so no ironing when I arrive at my destination)
The fabric is light, therefore easy to wash and dry 
For evenings and weekend 
(And I threw in another pair of jandals - these ones are a little more glitzy)

Work clothes (because I am actually there for work)

Three work polo shirts, three pair of cotton trousers and two pair of old/cheaper shoes which I switch over every other day - insect repellant does no favours to my shoes (check below)

Some extra tops - just in case!

Can pair with work pants above if necessary and with the pair I am wearing on the aircraft

The other bits and pieces

Two pieces of nightwear
The travel bag keeps my lingerie contained

Toiletries and First Aid

And liquid detergent (trying for the first time)

Hair "stuff"

And believe it or not...

...because no hotel I ever stay in has enough, I always pack some cheap clothes hangers left over from dry-cleaning

And yes - it did all get in!


On board the aircraft - I included a merino shrug because I always get cold onboard

Makeup and LAGs (Liquid, Aerosols and Gels)

Work "stuff" including a lap-top and phone in the bag
(because as I stated earlier, I'm actually there for work)

And personal "stuff" that's pretty important!

So how did it all work out?  What items didn't I need, what items did I wish I had packed?

What didn't I use?

Not a lot actually so well done me!  The pink top remained unworn (and I could have probably ditched the other cream top in the picture below as I wore another one over).  But surprisingly...or not...I should have left my makeup at home - pretty hard to keep it on one's face when you are battling up to 95% humidity.  So my makeup lived in the fridge for the nearly two weeks I was away.


What did I need more of?

COATHANGERS...come on hotels...get with the play, I've booked in for ten days, five coat-hangers 'ain't going to cut it!  Sigh.

Things I got right - old shoes. 

Check out what insect repellant does to a pair of leather sandals, let alone the nail polish.  If it can work like acetone, what the heck is it doing to my skin?  On a positive note, not one mozzie bite.  Yay.

Gruesome close up for the nail polish - and this was only after a couple of days
It got way worse than that

What did I forget to pack? 

A BOOK - I flew back on an airline that does not provide an inflight entertainment system - you use your own device and utilize their on-board Wi-Fi to pick up movies.  Great if the battery life-span on your tablet isn't in it's death throes.   I'm not ashamed to say that I need amusing and entertaining on an aircraft, I'm not great at just sitting there and contemplating life, so if I can't watch a movie, I read.  Have you ever tried watching a movie on your itty bitty phone screen?  Even the battery on that gave out eventually.

So...I got this trip mostly right.  I could have done without a few items of clothes, but it was nice to have a few options especially as I was dining in the hotel restaurants each night.  Now I just have to remember not to grab other people's dry-cleaning and luggage and I should be set.

Bonus picture - the hand-knitted (by yours truly) jumper worn to school camp in 1985.  I would like to say they were all the rage...but when I look back at my school photos from that trip, I do appear to be the only one wearing that particular fashion statement!  I wonder if hand-knitted picture jerseys will make a comeback like Converse?


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Friday, 10 March 2017

Mindful six month clothes shopping freeze!

It's the little things... 

This year I have made a promise to myself (and my bank manager) to be more mindful with my money.   It can feel like I'm living from one pay-check to the next.  While that's life, the daily grind of paying those unavoidable bills can wear you down over time.  

These are things I think about when I realise that 50 is just around the corner, I still have a mortgage to pay off, and around 15 years of working life left...yikes.  We don't need to constantly treat ourselves, but to never buy something frivolous and fun can get a bit monotonous.  Yet those mortgage repayments beckon.  Why is it we are so generous with other people, but not so good at looking after our own mental and monetary wellbeing? 
So I had a think about those things that make me happy and cost a minimal amount of money or are free.  Sometimes it's as simple as using the good towels (those guest towels) or taking out the good china and crystal instead of saving it for that special occasion that never seems to come about.

My promise to myself this year is to find ways to treat myself, without breaking the bank.  It's getting out those crystal champagne flutes when my girlfriends come over for that Friday drink, or putting those new sheets (still in the packet after a couple of years) on my bed.  It's lighting that expensive candle I got as a beautiful gift or using that lotion I've been saving for some special day. 
It's tidying up my house, so I can sit down and relax with a well deserved, guilt free cuppa.  It's making sure I get to the gym I pay fees to, because while the process is pretty horrible, the feeling at the end of the workout is pretty great. 
It's cleaning out my closest so that I know everything in there fits, is in good order and is something I love to wear.  It's organising my work-clothes for the week (so I can get an extra five minutes in bed each morning). 

It's making a decision to not buy one item of clothing (except for new gym shoes as mine are about to fall apart) for the next 6 months.  Yes Mum, I know you've heard this one before, but this time it's in writing, out there on the internet, for anyone to see.  See you later shops...sometime in September...sigh!
And most importantly it's keeping in touch with family, and not letting months go by between phone-calls.  These are the things that make me happy.  Here are some of the other things that make me happy...

Around the $30 mark

Pots of Colour (will last 3-4 months with a little bit of love and care...and water)

Night Light Display (my previous set of lights lasted nearly two years).  Every night, at dusk, these lights bring a smile to my face.

A scented candle (a few months of enjoying the perfume before I actually light it)

Around the $20 mark

Movie with friends (take your own sweets)

Around the $12 mark (monthly)
My Netflix subscription - is there any other way to view a TV series other than binge-watching?



Flowers from my garden


Flowers from my mum's garden

A diffuser I got for my Birthday

Using that Christmas/Birthday present I've been saving for a special occasion


Free...with a little bit of elbow grease

Clean sheets and a freshly made bed

Clean Car
So this is my mission - no clothes shopping for 6 months, and the challenge of finding things that make me happy for minimal cost.  I'll let you know how well I stuck to the challenge later in the year.

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Friday, 3 March 2017

What the bridesmaid wore....

Wedding week for the older bridesmaid

Being asked to be my dear friend's bridesmaid is such a privilege.  And although I'm fast approaching the dreaded five..O, there is still a sense of wanting to look your best for your friend's special event.

When shopping for something to wear over these last few months, I've become very aware that there is a massive gap in fashion for the woman of a certain, fabulous age.  There is a definite feeling that one is traversing a dangerous path between mutton dressed as lamb, and grabbing that old Osti dress out of my late grandmother's wardrobe.  Osti was an iconic Australian brand in the 1970s that made its way across the ditch to New Zealand.  I suspect the popularity was that these dresses were wash and wear...I mean, who would dare put an iron near the synthetic fabric?  What every happened to Osti?  Who wouldn't want to wear a completely non-breathable fabric in the middle of Sumer?  Hmmm...was it ever fashionable to wear a polyester dress that both statically clung to every part of a woman's body, and endangered the wearer to spontaneously combust if she walked too close to an open flame?  Yet they sell like hot-cakes on E-bay and Trade-me.  So if you find any Osti dresses hiding in your grandmother's wardrobe, grab 'em.  You could be sitting on a polyester goldmine.
Anyhow, I digress.  This blog is more of a lead up to the wedding for me, than about the wedding itself.  That's the bride's story, not mine.  And as she is not into social media, there will be no posting of her or her wedding dress (which is absolutely gorgeous) on any of my sites.  I also asked for the bride's permission before I started writing this blog.

So starting with the Saturday before...the bridal shower.  Something dressy, but as I was co-hosting, something that was also comfortable as I was going to be standing for most of the night.  I also threw my hair up in a bun as the colour was in desperate need of being done, and my hair has the consistency of straw when it is in-between colours (yay for grey!!!).

Dress - Capture from Ezibuy
Shoes - Katie and Me (brought second hand - but brand new with labels)
Necklace - Max Fashions

Tuesday - at home hair dye kit - I love having my hair coloured in a salon, but I don't like paying for that particular experience as my hair is very thick and grows fast (roots require a touch-up every four weeks at the very least).  I have used many products over the years but find that good old Nice and Easy gives me the colour I want for a pretty good price.  However, I am battling to keep the greys covered.

Wednesday - a very busy day with a hair consultation at Mods, manicure and pedicure at Nicola Quinn, then the Wedding Rehearsal.  I went for a casual, comfortable look as we were going to be on our feet all day, and the weather turned from warm to a cold wind later in the day.  I love a cross shoulder bag, and while this one is very casual, it meant I could go "hands free" for the day.  The jandals were thrown in for post-pedicure.

Dress - Emerge from Ezibuy
Denim Jacket - Siren
Black Sandles - Isabella Anselmi
Jandals - no label (hand-me-down from a friend)
Black Bag - Tango
Silver Hoops - unknown (code for I can't remember)

Nicola Quinns
for Pedi and French Polish Manicure (is it ever nice to see someone's foot?)

 But the best bit was the bubbles and nibbles waiting for us in the Hush Lounge.  Photo would have looked better if I had taken it before we started eating....but we were hungry!

Thursday - trip to the gym, then off to my beauty therapist, Carkia from Cariche Beauty.  Brow shape and brow/lash tint.  This will cover me for the wedding on Saturday.  I am also away to a warm climate next week (for two weeks) for work, and will be wearing minimal makeup, so having my brows and lashes done gives my eyes a lift.  I certainly don't like using liners and eyeshadows in high humidity/high temperature environments.

Friday - gym then final prep at my friend's house (they are having an "at home" wedding).  Back to my place with the bride to be for a glass a bubbles and some much deserved relaxation for the both of us.

Saturday - the big day.  We started the morning with a power walk as we both find exercise a great way to settle the nerves.  Back to my place for poached eggs and salmon on toast with Bollinger...nothing better than Bollie for a pre-wedding breakfast.

Off to Mods for our up-dos...

Dress - Demgirl (brought second hand)
Slip - But Different from Frederick Ashley
Shoes - Bellini

Then to Nicki Quinn for our make-up.

Back to my place to get ready.  Mother and sister of-the-bride turned up with some much needed sustenance.  

Time to get ready....

Dress - David Lawrence (brought on-line)
Shoes - Forever New
Earrings - a gift from the bride (chosen by one of her nieces)


Essentials - heel caps (as we will be walking across grass) and wine...of course!

Day after the wedding - had plans for a quick session at the gym, however I decided that sleep was probably a lot more beneficial.  Back to the newly "Mr and Mrs" for a post wedding catch-up and opening of the gifts. 

Dress - Grace Hill from Ezibuy
Bolero Cardi - Jacqui E
Shoes - Number 1
Earrings - a gift from the bride (chosen by one of her nieces)

Me - looking a bit worse for wear!

Looking at what clothing I pulled out of my wardrobe for this week, it appears that Ezibuy is my friend.  They have clothing (mostly dresses) that I enjoy wearing.  I feel that being an older bridesmaid does not mean that you have to be frumpy.  It's fun to dress up occasionally, and leave that "active wear" in the drawers for the time-being ("active wear" being code for old sweat pants and t-shirts)

And finally, what a wonderful honour it was to be chosen by my friend to be her bridesmaid.  It was a perfect day for a wonderful couple. 

Things to remember -
  • Take a pair of comfortable shoes for the day of the wedding (towards the end of the evening I raided my friend's wardrobe to grab a pair of jandals...the Kiwi name for flip-flops)
  • Heel caps made a pair of high heels comfortable by giving more stability to the shoe and adding a level of cushioning.  They also stopped the fabric heels of the shoe from being ruined
  • Have a tissue at the ready - thank goodness for the lovely celebrant Jo ( and  who had a tissue to hand to me when I got a little teary...okay, it was more like blubbering!  But the vows were so lovely. 
  • Have fun, throw yourself into the festivities and enjoy yourself
  • And most importantly - be there for the bride - it's her day after all - I was so lucky to be part of the celebration
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